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Acid Glass

Acid Glass

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Acid Glass

They use machines of the printing industry in the Acid Glass making cycle. To do this, they design each design and model with one of our design software.

Then we transfer them to Negative movies. The design is then transferred from the film onto screen printing grids by sensitive lacquers and then printed on glass with anti-acid paints.

Acid Glass

Specifications this Glass:

Variety of designs; Enhancement of new designs; Performing custom decorative shapes; Performing decorative period on glass texture; Attractiveness and beauty ofacid white glass in terms of softness and softness; Ha
1- High variety of designs in this Glass:

In various countries, such as Turkey, China and some European countries, this Glass is offered in hundreds of different designs and models in the global competitive market.
2- Ability to increase new designs
3. Decoration process on glass texture:

The decoration cycle is done on the glass in the glass texture itself.

There is no use in decorating operations that is destroyed by natural erosion over time.

In several separate steps, including matting operations, printing designs on glass by anti-acid paints, acidic glass surface finishes and delicate carving designs on glass surface
4- Attractiveness especially for acid glass:

Along with other environmental decoration materials such as MDF wood and aluminum, these types of glass are remarkable. The special feature of this type of glass is in the diffusion and modulation of light, which adds to the charm of ambient decoration with the colors of choice.

Acid Glass

The use of Acid Glass

Today, in most parts of the world, such as European countries, Asian countries, China and Russia, acid glazing has a special place in home architecture and interior decoration.

Fewer glassware can create such beauty in architecture. The high production and cost-effectiveness of Acid Glass in the world has greatly increased its consumption compared to other expensive glassware.


MahjamGlass manufacturer of all kinds of mirror models.

Design from you, build from us.

You can decorate your home like a palace.


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