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پاسخگویی آنلاین در واتس آپ

Attractions in the LeptLand Area

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Attractions in the Leptland Area

The LeptLand region covers the northern regions of Norway, Sweden and Finland and extends to the Russian Peninsula in Russia.



At dusk in the LeptLend area, the entire horizon of the sky is beautiful in red and pink.

Excellent geographic conditions make this view

Attractions in the Leptland Area

Attractions in the LeptLand area


LeptLand hotels

Glass hotel

The Caxelothenes residential Complex in the LeptLend region is designed to imitate the architecture of the house of Eskimos but with glass structures.

Glass Hotel in Leptland Area

Glass Hotel in LeptLand Area

This hotel is a cottage hotel

Each of these skylights is individually furnished and has stylish and comfortable beds.

The complex is located in a desert region near the Finnish National Park, in the village of Igloo.


Glass Hotel in Leptland Area

Glass Hotel in LeptLand Area

Due to the glassiness of the hotel, there is a possibility to see the stars of the north with unique views.

The glass walls of these cottages are thermal, which makes the interior of the cottage remain warm even in the event of a cold, temperatures of -30 ° C.

This place can undoubtedly be the best place to see the Aurora, one of the natural wonders of the world that lies in the Lapland area.

Tree Hotel

The tree hotel’s suites are in fact cubic chambers that are camouflaged in the woods of the Leptlend region.

This hotel opened in 2010 and now has 7 rooms with unique features.

A tree hotel is located 50 km from Loli in the north of Sweden.

Each of the rooms was built with the participation of outstanding Scandinavian architects at an altitude of between 4 and 6 meters.

These rooms are accessible through stairs, bridges, or retractable ladders.

Each of these rooms is made in a special style and each has its own name.

The rooms of the residence are in the form of a “bird nest” like a giant bird nest, a UFO like a science fiction flying dish, a cockpit in the middle of a tree trunk, a “mirror cube” that is the most exclusive The hotel’s room is … and is.

The UFO Room in the tree-hotel is the most unique room in the complex and is probably the most unique tree room in the world.

With a push of a button, a ladder comes down from the ceiling and takes you to another world experience.


Attractions in the Leptland Area

Attractions in the Leptland Area


Glass cube room

The most interesting room of this tree hotel in Lapland is the “Mirror Cube”.

This room is designed by the architects Tom and Wadegirde

The exterior walls of this room are covered with a mirror and reflect the beautiful surroundings around them.



هتل آیینه ای

This “mirror cube” make a beautiful surroundings.So designers should think of ways to prevent the birds from dealing with it.

The best solution is to cover the infrared mirror walls, which are invisible to humans and visible to birds.

So the exterior walls of this mirror building are covered with a thin, infrared curtain so birds can recognize it.

Inside this room, like its appearance, it has a beautiful look.



Mahjam Glass builds a variety of mirrored models.

The plot of you, making of us.

You can decorate your house like a palace.

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